Hello guys ! Here I am again trying to recap the rest of my pregnancy. If you missed it , I already revealed some insights of my pregnancy in my first trimester recap here.
Second trimester was really the highlight of my pregnancy :). It felt good, everyone knew I was pregnant and I felt like my old self again.
Here is a rough timeline of what happened during my second trimester.
During August we had another week of holidays were I visited my family. Here is a picture of me at 12weeks pregnant. Other than just being fluffy around the belly ^^, I did not look pregnant at all before 19-20 weeks.

At work
After that things were pretty good at work. I pretty much left all my OR (operation room) weeks to my resident colleagues who were more than happy to replace me and continued to do rounds in gyn department and the MFM ( maternal fetal médecine) department. I also did some clinic work and replaced a colleague here and there. I must say that the transition went more smoothly than expected.
What was difficult was the 24 hours on calls on week-ends. I did stop them at about 20 weeks pregnant because they were too physically draining for me and baby. I know in some other countries you are on call even later but it the big hospital were I was working , I was more than happy to give my 24 hour calls away.
How I felt in general
For the rest I felt pretty fine, no particular cravings and such , quite like my normal self but growing a bigger belly. I tried doing some more sports and did yoga at least 3 times a week ( with videos on YouTube ) and sometimes some pilates/barre in the mix. I did what felt actually right at the time. I wish I did more sports though because I was missing it but with the long hours I was doing ( 12+ hours a day…) , it could not happen…
I enjoyed this stage the most, all of my dresses still fitted me , no particular symptoms and just the ” glowing stage” really. Perfect hair, perfect nails 🙂 .
In October, we went for a week in Sicily. I really wanted to go on vacation before it was too late and I would say second trimester is really the best moment to go on a trip if you can. You’re pregnant but not too much, walking 10000 steps a day still feels ok , you can still eat normally and not feel to blah. I 100% recommend planning holidays at that moment !

Ultrasound and baby kicks
Finally , we had our second ultrasound right before going to Sicily. Really exciting 🙂 , but on the other hand , not so much because I already knew the gender ( perks of knowing how to do and ultrasound yourself) .
Any guesses ? Those who follow me on Instagram probably already now ^^… we were expecting a boy !

I really thought we were having a girl but baby boy was equally as good 🙂 . We were so happy !!
And finally, I felt the baby move for the first time around 17weeks , like a light fluttering in the evening. I got a real kick at 19 weeks and the boyfriend felt the baby move at 20 weeks 🙂
And that’s all for today : those of you who have already been pregnant , when did you feel baby move for the first time ?