Hey guys!
To finish this week on a healthy note I wanted to talk about 5 favorite friday fit ideas!! I did some of them already during the fall season, but I wanted to share some fun health tips with you guys. As it’s friday I am sharing with clare!
1. joining the elf4health challenge!!
I don’t know Iif you guys heard about it , but it’s a very nice challenge held by lindsay and elle during the holiday season!! I am really looking forward to doing the challenge.It lasts about a month and incorporates fitness, health, wellbeing and all sorts of fun challenges! I especially love the fact that it is about different aspects of “living a healthy life” and that it does not only include workouts and eating challenges.
It is almost holiday season and I know for a fact that I love to be lazy during that time … days get shorter, chocolate and good food is all around and I often just don’t workout for a month at that time of the year. So by participating in this challenge I am looking forward to, staying active, on track and maintaining good habits during the holiday period. Plus I am thrilled to getting to know fellow elfs, and having fun!!
Here is a preview of the challenge
If you’d like to join please visit lindsay’s or elle’s website, you can still join until tonight!!
2.Participate in a race in fall
I did my first 10k on october 19th !!! I never recap my races cause I am not really consisten in blog writing. But I ‘d love to recap all my experiences soon. Anyway, even if it was hard during the race, and I remember having severe knee pain during the race ( my it band had some issues but I held trough). I definitely want to participate in a race again i found a fun race this one:
maybe i’ll try it out!
3. Tracking your health habits
I already talked about it in my august goals. My goal was to do at least 10000 steps per day. As you can see on these charts. I did 10000 steps some days in the week. And sometimes I forgot my step counter 🙂
I am actually using a withings pulse which you can have in your pocket or hanging on your jeans. As I work at the hospital I am not aloud to have any bracelets so this solution is better for me!
I find that when I am tracking my steps. Even if it is not really accurate or whatever , I am engaging myself in moving. and this is a good thing. Days I don”t do 10000 steps and I won”’t have the time to do some more steps I try to fit in a quick workout of some sort. Even if it’s just doing some set of jumping jacks , squats and some ab moves , it’s fine by me. Key here is to move!
4. Try a new gym class
Have you guy’s heard of swedish gym? No maybe yes ??? you don”’t know? Well i heard a lot of great things about this class and I am dying to try this out. You do not have to have a gym membership to try it out you can just pop in. And about what I ‘ve heard it is a very dynamic class. Lots of movement , fun music etc. etc…
Here is the english version of the website if you want to check it out. There is also a french version of it, if you happen to be in France, like I do.
5. Cute fitness outfits
yes guys ! This is my fitness tip. Why? Because feeling good in your workout clothes is key to having good workouts.
Let me explain that that to you:
Back in the days where I used to go running once in the month and that was quite it. I only owned one pair of sport bras, one pair of shorts and I used whatever tshirt I had on hand to practice sports. Maybe, it was enough to go running once a month, but it certainly did not encourage me to practice some kind of sport more often.
Last year I asked for “sports gear” as a Christmas gift. BEST Idea ever!!! I received a yoga mat, a yoga mat bag, a set of dumbbells and a stretch band. Since it is a gift and a very nice one, I am so happy to use them very very often. It has changed my life for doing abs (better than on the hard floor^^), and I can easily store all my stuff in the nice bag I received.
Case in point, if you have all the necessary gear and enough outfits, by that I mean more than one sports bra and probably more than one shorts so you can alternate.. you will find more motivation in doing some fitness. At least , it helped me a lot!
So because friday it’s black friday I am going to indulge in some fitness gear !
Here is what I found for the moment:
The first one is from fabletics and the second tank top from blogilates
Have a nice day people
What are your healthy fitness tips ?