What I did lately

Hello people ! Hope you’re all doing well! Finally, I decided to write a mix match of everything i did lately. As you may have noticed, i was not very consistant in my blog writing this week. I started a blog and , two weeks later, just have written two articles. Well, that could happen. I knew blogging would take some time , i did not know i had to find the time to write the articles and well, real life juste came by too.


Let ‘s explain what I have been up lately.

Saturday I will be moving in Paris! Yes i am actually becoming a real Parisian. I am excited, I am happy, but moving equals a lot of planning and prepping and  doing crappy stuff. So there has been that.

demenagement can you see how messy it is at my home right now?

This week-end I made a fabulous trip to the south of France. I joined my stepsister at gare de lyon and we took the train down to toulon for a weekend at the beach. So i have eaten (a lot). I have sunbathed (more than enough) and i have played with those two most amazing furballs . Watch out for the magnificent views from my stepparents house and the surrounding beaches!!

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On sunday we went to the market. The summerhouse of my stepparents is located in a small village near St-tropez, the market there is a mix of farmers selling their vegetables and there are also some clothes to buy. I  found a nice little scarf and this fabulous shopping basket ! After all the craziness of the week-end  we came back to Paris and its suburbs  late in the evening. So I did not really found the time to blog ( I know, excuses again :)).


Last week, I also went to the castle of Versailles with my brother and my mum who came to visit me , hopefully my brother will share the pictures soon with me and i’ll make you a recap about versailles, it’s castle and some restaurants worth a visit in this nice city.

Also,  with the new schoolyear starting, sportclubs are starting again too. I decided to take figure skating lessons  , because I  once used to love this sport and i found it a nice complementary crosstraining to running.



Well anyway , thats all what i have been up to until now. With classes starting soon, i hope i will get the chance to blog more. I know, it’s weird cause i will have less time. But i am a scheduler, so if i schedule some moments were i can write i will, and my days will ressemble so it will be easier for me to tell you all about it. Next week i will also live in a brand new apartment but things will slowly take place. I will have a new kitchen to cook in ( yeah! new recipes). And i will finally have my own space to write and learn. I am very excited to turn this new chapter of my life. Enough said and enough excuses made , lets move on!!

Question of the day : Do you like figure skating ?

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4 Replies to “What I did lately”

  1. Brittany @ Dulce VieNo Gravatar says: Reply

    How cool!! Are you from France? And as for moving, I feel your pain. My bedroom looks very similar to your pic! I am still trying to pack for college.. which is 2,000 miles away. Lots of fun 😉

    1. Yes , I’m from France ! I am also starting university again soon ! 2000 miles away from home, that’s a lot. Hope you have fun though!

  2. Shawn @ Fruity 'N' NuttyNo Gravatar says: Reply

    France sounds really amazing, wish I could study in Paris, too. When I first started blogging, which wasn’t too long ago, I was pretty inconsistent as well. Actually, that’s an understatement, I wrote only three posts or so in a four month span, so you’re already doing much better than I did. I’ve tried figure skating once and my feet hurt like crazy, so I can’t say I’m a big fan. But I do love watching other people skating and it’s so cool that you can do it! Looking forward to reading about the new chapter of your life!

    1. Thanks for your nice words, I feel like a normal blogger now. I have seen on your blog that you’re just starting college, i hope you have fun !

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