Moving, running and pig feet

The two last weeks have been very fast paced.  I moved out and into my new apartment. I started college again and I started self-hosting my blog. Yes, all that at once. It speaks for itself that my time was counted, but , I made some new recipes as you can see here :


There will be posts soon with the recipes, I promise.

Attention please the following paragraph can hurt sensible persons , don’t read it if you don’t want to and skip directly to the next paragraph

Pig Feet???

So as I said before , I started college again. Which for me means starting medical rotations. I will go to the hospital every morning and see patients everyday. But before starting real school and classes and seeing patients we have to attend some “medical seminars” ahum. What is that. Well those are mandatory classes where we learn stuff about how to be a general practicioner or stuff about public health or how to stitch pig feet. YES you read correctly. One of the seminars actually taught us how to stitch on pig feet. We all arrived fresh and happy from our time off during the summer and there they were nice and fresh pig feet awaiting to be stitched on. Sounds gross, I know. But it wasn’t. If you ever watched grey’s anatomy you probably will have seen it already. As new “medical interns” we will have to be “on-call” several times this year. And when we are on-call in the ER, well we perform stitches. So you’d better be prepared and know how to stitch as this  can happen very quickly.



I really want to be a surgeon later, and i really thought stitching would be easy. I know how to sew so I should know  how to stitch right? Well , wrong, there are a lot of different stitches to learn and it takes some time to masterize using the “surgical tools” . If I can compare it to something, I would compare it to learning to write. Remember how holding a pen in your hand feels weird and when you write letters for the first time they look messy and ugly ? Well learning stitches kinda feels the same. The first time you make a stitch you really feel like a klutz. The second time your stitches are better but it still feels  weird. And the more you practice and the more it becomes natural to you .

But, I only practiced stitching twice, and next time I will practice it will be on a REAL HUMAN. I am scared… and I hope you won’t  hurt yourself near my french hospital when I will practice my first stitches on call. Just kidding^^

On to the next subject, running and working out.

I haven’t been consistent at all in my working out lately. I was supposed to train for a 10K . But , i hadn’t workout for more than a month and that is how I noticed I was in a bad shape. All I did this summer was walking a lot, but also enjoying life (aka drinking cocktails , wine and going out). It went in the way of my working out mojo and I couldn’t perform my plan as said before so instead of running a 10K , I will be running a 6K. And , I reviewed my workout goals

Here are my goals:


As you can see , I will start a workout log to keep my working out on track. I don’t want to over exercise as I don’t have a lot of time but my goal is to keep running and working out for the moment and maybe i’ll skip the running part when it gets too cold to go running or, I’ll do it only once on sundays with my boyfriend.

More on the workouts. I live in France, and having access to a gym is incredibly expensive , so a lot of my workouts are inspired from the internet and from my own knowledge. If my goals ( having a workout log) are doing good , I will be sure to share some tips with you about how to train at home and I will give you some useful resources about finding inspiration to workout on the internet.

At the moment, I am loving fitsugar fitness workouts. They are  fast and effective, and I like to combine their 10 minutes videos to make longer workouts. If you want to check it out here is the link to a video I tested last week:

Try it out , and tell me more about how you felt it was !

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One Reply to “Moving, running and pig feet”

  1. Shawn @ Fruity 'N' NuttyNo Gravatar says: Reply

    Love the new look, congrats on getting self hosted! I have so much respect for surgeons, there’s no way I’d be able to stick something into someone else’s skin, let alone operate. I don’t go to the gym much these days but I can still get in a great workout at home. Youtube and healthy living blogs have so many awesome workouts. Blogilates and Fitness Blender to name a few. A while ago, I decided not to run a half marathon since I hadn’t done enough training so I totally get it. Good luck with your race and workout log!

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