happy to be back

hey guys !

I am happy to be back and motivated to come here more often :). Last week I was just looking at my blog stats and was really happy to see that some of you still visit it ! So I decided I needed to come back for you and for me . Its been kind of difficult at my university recently and as I only have finals and no midterms i have to review all the notes of a semester in one month for said so finals.It happens to be quite stressful. And it is difficult to have a life during those heavy studying months.

Anyway I am relieved that it is over now and looking forward to spring,fitness, running and eating healthy.



I am looking forward to spring because it has been raining for 4 months now as long as  I can remember and I am tired of doing all my workouts inside and seeing no sun ever. I really am jealous of all the people living under the sun and under the snow two. Yes in Paris we have had a rainy 10°C winter which means no snow, and very few sun 🙁 . But spring means, longer days, sunnier days (hopefully) ,plus spring means its my birthday soon 🙂


I am looking forward to more fitness in my life because in the last months or two well I haven’t really exercised a lot . I pretty much have studied all the time and only moved my body during ice skating sessions.

In the last 3 weeks however I have strength train at least 2 times a week and I have already been seeing some results on my body. I feel more strength in my muscles but mostly I have felt the difference on the ice.Some of you watch the olympics maybe ? I hope you do  because I have a really nice time watching them :). Well have you noticed the power ice skaters must engage to jump and the power needed for the landing?  Well that is were I felt the difference. I am much more stable on my feet and have the impression that I jump higher. Anyway strength is always a good thing and I fell in love with my dumbbell set and my resistance  band.


I am looking forward to more running !! yesterday I did my first  run since a long time and I am willing to do a color run some time in may and a 10km sometime in june. I did not run a lot during the winter but now that I have fabulous new shoes i should all get better. in case your not interested in running just skip the next part.

Yesterday it really itched me to run but I was not quite sure it would be a good idea.since I am dealing with a cough since 3 weeks now and I know you are note supposed to run with it. but whatever. The sun was shining and I did not tested my new shoes yet !! new mizuno wave inspire 10 🙂


All in all it was a difficult run. and a very short one. It was windy and my ears were unhappy not to  have a headband ( now I understand why people use headbands!). But in the end it felt great , no ankle pain and no knee pain!  It really seems to me that the guy at the running shop got it right. I must be a pronator !

For the statistics well,  i am a veryyy slowww runner but I am happy that I got out.

After the effort the reconfort well thats what french say . I indulged to some chinese food, dumplings with broccoli !


I am looking forward to healthy eating !! Don’t get me wrong, I always look forward to healthy eating, discovering new foods, new recipes and new assemblings. Luckily for you you don’t get the recipes off all my weird creations . Sometimes I mix everything I have in my kitchen and well in the end it is not that good. But I did start this blog because I like to share my love for food. And I also started this blog because my nice little brother told me that my culinary experimentations sometime came out nice.


One thing I did learn with my experiments (which I do since my early college years) is to use as little as I have on hand to make nice meals. Read : I don’t own a blender, neither do I own a crockpot. I am still able to make nice meals without it and I am really looking forward to sharing some tips and recipes to make in a college dorm :).Because when I was in said so dorm I would have loved some ideas to spice meals up a bit even when you don’t have a lot of material on hand.


The other part of healthy eating i am looking forward to is to organise my meals better . I found that when I meal plan I eat better and I find it easier to get cooking. I will try to do that soon and share with you the details of it. In the main time If you find the little pies here looking good come back soon I will be sharing the recipe of this little gem. These are gluten-free  saltetdcaramel and apple pies.

see you soon!


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